About Me

Welcome to my site! Welcome to my site! My name is Hui Zhou. I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Saint Louis University. I earned my Ph.D degree in Political Science from the University of Houston in 2022. I am interested in how political institutions and economic factors shape bureaucratic accountability, government responsiveness and policy outcomes in authoritarian contexts, with a particular focus on China. Besides, I am also interested in big data techniques such as text analysis and machine learning. My research has been published in the China Review, Journal of Contemporary China, Social Science & Medicine and International Journal of Legal Medicine. Additionally, I coauthored a book chapter on China's social policy and social equity.
Beyond research, I am also passionate about teaching. I have extensive teaching experience. The courses that I have taught or am teaching include quantitative methods, research design, intro to American government, data science fundamentals and politics of the developing world. For more details about my teaching, please visit the Teaching page on this site.